
sit down and eat: oatmeal

I asked John, "What should be my first official post on my new blog?" And he was like, "For something like this, you don't have to pick anything big. Just do it."

So what better way than to start out my new blog than with how we start out our day here in our house. Homemade Oatmeal.

So simple. So delicious. So nutritious.


3 cups hot water
2 cups old fashioned oats
a pinch of salt
brown sugar
optional: peaches or apples & cinnamon

Boil water and salt. Add oats and lower temperature to medium heat. Simmer oats, stirring regularly. Add brown sugar and butter to taste. Cook oats for three to five minutes, or until oats have become mostly soft and absorbed most of the water. Do not overcook.

Stir in frozen peaches, apples and cinnamon, or honey. Then of course add some milk to it all. (I used whole milk in my peaches oatmeal. And it was oh so delicious!)

Then sit and enjoy your breakfast in the wonderful silence that comes when your kids love the food they're eating.


Anonymous said...

they're eating not their eating.


Sami said...

Oh darn. A mispell on one of my most hates of mispells. Thanks for pointing it out.